Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Welcome to Candyland!!!

I have been making cakes for people for the past few months.  I really enjoy doing it.  In order to get the pictures of my food and cakes organized, i have decided to create a Blog which only focuses on my passion, cooking and baking.  Anyway, hope you all enjoy this Blog.  Bon Appetit!!!


Janice said...

Congratulations Candy on a greaet Blog! You are doing very well with your baking, decorating, etc.
I hope you will be able to continue to use your wonderful skills as a chef in Hawaii!
Janice Morgan

The Warner's said...


You make me hungry and with a great wish to return to O'Ahu and come to your place.

Everything looks great.

Pres. Warner.

hanans9808 said...

Aloha...Candy, What can I say...you're the best, love your cakes and your work. I always had a passion for cake decorating. I guess I'll live my passion thru you.


Kari said...

I LOVE IT. Candy, come live in St. George, and we'll go into business together. Oh Wait... I'm telling a girl who lives in Hawaii to move to St. George Utah? Dummy me. Okay, I'll move to Hawaii, you talked me into it. Candi, I miss you, and keep this up, I'll be here everyday, so keep giving me new recipes, and I'll share some of mine too!

By the way... Spam? Your favorite? No spam for me, please!

hanans9808 said...

You're the best Candy, mahalo for sending me your link. I've always had a passion for cake decorating..
I'll live my passion thru you....

Haunani R.

Lingling said...

That's great Candy! Now I can get some ideas on what to cook and how to cook it! You're amazing! Keep up the good work!

successathome said...


I am so happy for you that you found your passion and enjoying is so much. It's so awesome!!!

Can't wait to taste your cooking. :)


paris family said...

Love it all Candy! It is so fun to see all of the beautiful things you can create. And I know how they taste too!
Can't wait to see you again.